Iron Gate

EscapeFromIronGateisapartygamebasedonPrisonBreakbyTheEscapeGame.Act,draw,solveyourwaytofreedom.,IronGateisasmallgamedevelopmentstudiofromSweden,foundedin2018bytwoindustryveterans.We'rebestknownforourvikingadventuregameValheim, ...,Theflamesignite...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Escape From Iron Gate

Escape From Iron Gate is a party game based on Prison Break by The Escape Game. Act, draw, solve your way to freedom.


Iron Gate is a small game development studio from Sweden, founded in 2018 by two industry veterans. We're best known for our viking adventure game Valheim, ...

IRON GATE (@IronGate_Studio) ...

The flames ignite! The Ashlands update for #Valheim is now fully released! Read the patch notes and check out the brand new trailer right here: ...

Iron Gate AB

VR Titles VR Hardware · Software Soundtracks · macOS SteamOS + Linux For PC ... Developer: Iron Gate AB. Sort by. Relevance. Relevance; Release date; Name ...


EscapeFromIronGateisapartygamebasedonPrisonBreakbyTheEscapeGame.Act,draw,solveyourwaytofreedom.,IronGateisasmallgamedevelopmentstudiofromSweden,foundedin2018bytwoindustryveterans.We'rebestknownforourvikingadventuregameValheim, ...,Theflamesignite!TheAshlandsupdatefor#Valheimisnowfullyreleased!Readthepatchnotesandcheckoutthebrandnewtrailerrighthere: ...,VRTitlesVRHardware·SoftwareSoundtracks·ma...